Learn more about the online New Mexico Real Estate Pre-Licensing series by reviewing our collection of frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions, please fill out our contact form.

All courses in the series are typically offered three times per year: in the spring, summer, and fall.

CNM Ingenuity has a number of funding resources available, some of which may applicable for these courses. Since this is a non-credit class, it is not eligible for financial aid or payment plans. You must pay upfront for the entire amount at registration. Please visit the CNMI Funding Resources page to see if you are able to take advantage of any of the funding opportunities.

You can receive a full refund if you cancel at least two business days before your class starts. After that point, you may cancel or drop out but you will not receive a refund.

Courses fill very quickly. Check to see if the course(s) you want are being offered at any other times. It’s best to sign up early. You can always cancel and receive a full refund as long as you do so more than two business days before the start date. Since people do often drop classes, continue checking back to see if any spaces have opened up.

Please refer to the NM Real Estate Commission site for the current requirements in New Mexico.

If you are planning to move out of New Mexico, you will want to go to the Real Estate Department/Commission for the state you are moving to in order to find their rules and requirements regarding transferability.

No. The cost of the series only includes the training required to apply to take the exam. 

Once you have passed the classes and receive a certificate, you are ready to take the NM Real Estate Broker exam. We do not administer the exam; the exam is overseen by the NM Real Estate Commission and is administered by the PSI. Please visit the PSI registration page to register for the exam.